Virtuous Path.

Pantasak Puttawong
I came to the temple for the first time to attend the Buddhist Open Day Ordination Program in 2005. During that time, I faced many obstacles: love problems, job related issues. Once I attended the Ordination Program, I felt good, and I really liked it. Before one ordains, he must practice perseverance,
fasting, and self-discipline. This is to prepare oneself for the monkhood 14 days  prior to ordination. The day that I ordained, it was very memorable because I became the Respectable Monk that my parents seek refuge in!!! The program made me love myself and the temple more. Everyday there was chanting, listening to the sermon, and meditation, every single day. Dhammakaya temple made me, the person who once did not adhere to the 5 precepts regularly, become the person who adhere to the 5 precepts, and be the refuge for my family. The Buddhist Open Day Ordination Program of the Dhammakaya temple was the turning point of my life: I encountered the virtuous path, the path of the Triple Gem.

Lasanamorn unwarabaski
For almost 20 years that I have resided in a foreign, non-Buddhist country.  Dhammakaya temple makes me live a happy life. I get to listen to the teachings of the Most Venerable Phra Thepyanmahamuni (Luang Por Dhammachayo) and Phra Ratchabhaovanajarn (Luang Por Dhattachivo) via the DMC channel. Their teachings make me a kind person, love to accumulate merits and refrain from sins, and to repay kindness to those who are kind to us. And to adhere to the precepts, practice meditation, and be mindful and not be reckless in life. And to seek refuge in the Triple Gem.  When a Buddhist is far from the temple and the Dhamma teachings of the Lord Buddha, this makes life overseas very difficult. I am grateful that I found the temple and the teachings of Dhammakaya temple, so that I get to live a happy life, have a good family, and virtuous friends.

Pariyanut DuwangJan
The benefits that Dhammakaya temple has given me, if I were to explain, it might take many pages. In summary, this temple teaches everyone to cultivate merits, to be responsible for oneself and the family, and the nation. Not to cause harm to oneself and to others, and to acknowledge one’s past wrong doings and to not make the same mistakes. To forgive others who have wronged us, and to be grateful and repay the kindness to those who were kind to us. 