Pure Community.

Ilan Nathansan
I support the Dhammakaya Temple because they are an unwavering beacon of hope, love, and kindness, not just for Thailand, but for the entire world. Their staff and monks works tirelessly around the clock to bring meditation and Buddhism to our world. Programs like V-Star to educate the Thai youth about Buddhism and the International Dhammadayada Ordination Program to helpforeigners experience monkhood are just a few examples of how the Dhammakaya Temple is changing peoples lives and the world for the better.

Joshua Nathanson
I valuethe Dhammakaya Temple because it supports a pure and noble community. It provides people with a chance to better themselves, improve their lifestyle, and do good deeds.

Mingkwan Inkaew 
DIMC California USA,
It is a peaceful place. I can learn how to meditate there. It makes me feel peaceful. I also gain wisdom from the meditation. I can learn about the 5 precepts. The people there are nice and kind. That is why I love Wat Phra Dhammakaya.
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